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GET STARTEDThere’s no denying that life can sometimes be stressful, but it’s how we handle ourselves in these times that will determine how we feel.
Something that we believe helps in times of unease? Positive thinking!
MaryRuth even talks about the power of positivity as one of the actions in The Art of Health for Busy People and in her book, Liquids Till Lunch. As she says, “positivity is a choice your mind makes.”
To help spread positivity for yourself, your children, and your loved ones, some of our team members are sharing positive affirmations they use regularly.
In the morning or before bed, I say the following affirmations with my children: I’m smart! I’m strong! I’m amazing! I can do anything!”
“I say my affirmations out loud to myself. My current one is: I can do big hard scary brave things.
A few others I often find myself circling back to are:
I also have a few affirmations I say with my kids:
“There is no one better to be than myself."
“These are the affirmations my son and I do together:
I am brave!
I am strong!
I am smart!
I am silly!
I am loved
I am special!
I am unique!
I am perfect just the way I am!
Plus, I always end it with ‘I love you, I will always love you; you never have to earn my love, only rest in it; and, there’s nothing you can do that will ever make me stop loving you.’”
“I have a few positive affirmations I like to use, and I even set reminders to pop up on my phone at various times of day to remind myself to stay positive and grateful.
A few that help me a lot are:
“This too shall pass. This helps me remember that emotions change and it does get better.”
“Coming from a place where challenges like corruption and limited opportunities exist, this empowers me to survive and thrive despite the obstacles around me.”
“This one isn't really an affirmation, but it's been a really helpful personal discovery: ‘Let your anxiety be in the car for the roadtrip, but don't let it be in the driver's seat or holding the map.’
Essentially, ignoring, controlling, or allowing my anxiety to take over makes it worse, so giving room for it to be (without taking over) is a strong exercise in being present and giving space for all emotions. (Funny how feeling emotions actually makes them pass!).”
“Every day, I am becoming a better version of myself. We say this every morning at breakfast as a family.”
We hope that these affirmations brought some positivity to your day today, and can continue to become a part of your daily positive practice. We are always here to support you!
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